The Engineering Process at TWI

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The engineering process is a series of steps that engineers employ to solve an issue. This process includes identifying the goal as well as determining constraints, planning and building, as well as testing. This is a crucial component of every project at TWI. It allows us to ensure that our projects meet high performance and safety requirements. This is especially important for New York City projects as they must meet strict requirements.

In this stage students study the issue they’re confronted with in order to understand what the challenge is and gather data. It’s an open, student-centered method that shifts the focus of the classroom away from the traditional science curriculum.

Students brainstorm ideas for solving the issue. This can be accomplished using whiteboards, software, or discussions. Some ideas may not work, but that’s okay because it gives them the opportunity to experiment with others and discover a better solution.

After analyzing the results of their research and brainstorming, the team selects one solution to create and build. This can be printed on paper, using CAD software, or through an idea that can be physical or virtual. This is an excellent step for students, as they can design an actual prototype to let them test their ideas.

This is where the rubber meets the road for engineers as they must adhere to the limitations that are imposed on them, including cost of time tools, resources, and many more. Engineers must also bear in mind that their ideas need to be safe and efficient to be effective in real-world situations.

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